Dear Workshop Proposers,
This directive is in reference to your submission to the SEA IGF 2021 Workshop Proposals. Thank you very much for having submitted your idea. After careful evaluation of your submission, we regret to inform you that not all of your proposals will be able to be presented at the upcoming forum. This year we received 40 calibre proposals. Thus, the selection has been highly competitive. That being said, we sincerely thank you for taking the time to submit your ideas, and we encourage you to continue to support internet governance in your community and to grow as an inspirational voice for your peers and society.
The following are the titles of the 15 proposals selected to be presented at the IGF 2021:
Digital Transformation in Southeast Asia
Subtheme | Title | Title | Title | Title | Title |
ICT Infrastructure and Cyber Security | Acceleration of Digital Transformation in SEA: Improving Connectivity, Inclusion and Safety | The role of ICTs and other technologies in Southeast Asia’s post-Covid economic recovery | Universal Acceptance of Domain Names and Email Addresses for a More Linguistically Inclusive and Diverse Internet | Defining Human Centric Cyber Security during Pandemic Covid-19 in South East Asia | Development and Utilization of Community-Based Internet Infrastructure: School of Community Networks |
Digital Rights and Society | Establishing a personal data protection standard at the regional level: Learning from the national level and development evolution | Data Governance Accountability in the Pandemic | Intermediary liability discussion: social media (publisher vs. non publisher) governance in Asia | Cyber Norms Operationalization in ASEAN | SWITCH SEA: Fostering diversity and gender empowerment in technical leadership of the Internet industry in Southeast Asia |
Youth and Innovation Development | Measuring the Margins; Shaping ASEAN’s Digital Future | Multistakeholder Approaches to Accelerate COVID-19 Public Communication through Utilization of Digital Transformation | Back to the Future: “Indigenous Languages and Characters in the Industry 4.0 era” | The Urgency of Integration of Information and Communication Technology Volunteers with Education Systems in Digital Transformation in Southeast Asia | Computational Thinking Skills, a Human-Centric Approach Towards Digital Transformation |
Thank you again for your thoughtful submission. We hope you will tune in to the livestream on September 1-2 (more information will be available on our website).
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SEA IGF Committee
For approved proposals please check your email and do confirmation to the Secretariat of SEA IGF 2021
About SEA IGF 2021
This event is an initiative by Indonesian Ministry of Communications and Informatics and IGF Indonesia and we are open for stakeholders to get involved and contribute to building better internet governance in the Southeast Asia region.